Advance Utilities Support The Race Against Dementia Charity
19th July 2019AC Training
4th December 2019AC Training as part of Advance Construction Scotland Ltd are pleased to announce the successful application and approval to deliver the full suite of New Roads and Streetworks Training.
We can now offer all Units & Groupings for Operatives, Supervisors & Renewals.
Location & Avoidance of Underground Apparatus
Signing, Lighting & Guarding
Excavation in the Road / Highway
Reinstatement and Compaction of Backfill Materials
Reinstatement of Sub-base and Roadbase in Non-Bituminous Materials
Reinstatement in Cold-lay Bituminous Materials
Reinstatement of Hot-lay Bituminous Materials
Reinstatement of Concrete Slabs
Reinstatement of Modular Surfaces and Concrete Footways
Courses will be available from mid-August. Look out for the dates!